The Bassment
Oudezijds Achterburgwal 61, Amsterdam |
Situated underneath the Red Light Bar, the coffeeshop is a bit bigger than it looks once you get inside. Seating is in wooden booths and the view out through the door is directly into some of the windows of the RLD. On our most recent visit the music was some cool Massive Attack/Tricky -type-stuff.
Ryan from England. Sent 29 Apr 2005.
The Red Light Bar is the ideal place to chill if you are looking to play some pool on decent tables (only 1 Euro a game), watch the weekend's Premiership fixtures (I watched about 3 different games here!) chill, have an alcoholic beverage and smoke up. The bar seemed to attract mostly English people so it creates a familiar atmosphere. You can't buy any smoke here but the staff are more than happy for you to roll up a fat doob. The only let down in this place is the seating, If you're not playing pool I wouldn't advise staying too long as your ass will probably go numb. There are about 3 to 4 TV 's and a pull down screen with a projector to watch so you're almost guaranteed a good view. They play a really random selection of music but every song I seemed to recognise, and could dance around the pool table to! Drinks are fairly priced too! Definitely worth a visit.
Bitchmaster from USA. Sent 25 Mar 2005.
The Bassment features good smoke both loose and pre-rolled. Its fantastic location amidst the Red Light District is a plus, not to mention the Red Light Bar upstairs serves alcohol and is smoke friendly. The staff is cordial and helpful and the price is right.
JR from Ireland. Sent 11 Mar 2005.
You can't get more central to the redlight district, and this is both a good thing and a bad. The vibe was very young guys smoky bar, with a pool table and bare wooden benches, but no hassle whatsoever. Very relaxed. There was a mixed bag of nuts there too, despite being in the heart of the swarming touristas, there were a handful of locs hanging out there too. Good euro rock music and the guy at the counter is happy to talk briefly to you. About what you'd expect the back room of your local to be like if they let you smoke but didn't serve any alcohol. Minus points for the herb though, I got a pre rolled euro joint of White Widow for 8 yoyos which burned the throat off me (and living in Dublin, I'm used to the euro style joints). And my friend got a gram of snow white for 8 euro aswell which was passable.
Hillo from England. Visited 10 Feb. 04. Sent 14 Feb 2004.
In the heart of the Redlight. The staff are friendly and helpful and always have a top selection of hash and weed. Well worth a look.
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