Hoofdstraat 55a, Apeldoorn |
Elliott from USA. Sent 15 Jun 2005.
This place has since (the last review) changed their location. It's now located on the same street as De Palm about a block away. Much nicer locale now. Much bigger, lots of seats. these guys always have great weed and very very cheap prices. Overall, great place to hang out.
T.W. from Ireland. Visited May 04. Sent 7 Jun 2004.
A small menu and fairly limited seating, not suitable for a lengthy visit. What impressed me about it, more than any other coffeeshop was the professionalism and respectability of the seller. The quantities were on, and the products were amongst the finest I tasted on my most recent tour. There was a "Wiet" (Sp?) whose name resembled Super Haze, but it was in Dutch. This was Uprising's top of the line cannabis product and yet it was moderately priced. This cannabis was like a three dimensional matrix of white crystallized THC-laden resin.
The hashish line was crowned by a polm hashish and it was very good. The reasonable pricing and quality of products were key but also the exceptionally good manners of the seller and the generosity of the shop's policy really impressed me a lot.
When I received a small cup of tea I had ordered from the seller and asked how much it was the answer was, "This is free at Uprising". It's the little things that make a difference, you know?
Further to these comments, there were a lot of gorgeous pipes and other products displayed in tasteful glass showcases throughout the inner half of the shop. The store was kept very clean and the music was relaxing. The decor was tasteful and simple.
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