Taverna Oasis
Meeuwerderweg 60, Groningen |
Chevalier from Finland. Sent 15 Dec 2004.
After spending five months in Groningen, I personally have to say Taverna Oasis is the best koffie shop in there! Too bad I discovered the place rather late, after spending lots of time in the Glory and Reykjavik. Wiet is absolutely fantastic in Oasis! It is very very powerful and the variation is big! One thing I loved was the fact that the salesperson (also) happened to like Richie Blackmore's Rainbow! So the music is a bit different than the basic reggae. Oh yeah and the atmosphere and the prices! And the toilet was cleaner and better than in a hotel! Lovin' it.
Devi from Netherlands. Sent 1 Dec 2004.
Supplies excellent hash and sometimes Skuff too! (Oasis has weekendspecials, more weed/hasj for less euros).
Nikki from Groningen. Sent 26 May 2004.
The best shop in Groningen. They sell good stuff and have a lot to pick from. They also have a lot of different joints there ready to take for 2,50. Can get 5 euro and think 15 or 12,50. On Friday and Saturday you get 3 times 5 euro for 12,50.
Thorsten from Germany. Sent 17 Aug 2003.
One of the smallest but also one of the best shops for quality and low prices (Groningen is the cheapest town for good stuff in Netherlands in our experience).
You're going to find very special and strong, but also high sorts, these sorts are delivered by local growers out of +++ seeds, the quality is every time +++. Also the sorts of hash are very rare inside Netherlands. It is located in a "foretown" of Groningen, far away from the "tourists" and in a "homy-style" interior.
In the "daily lists" there are up to 25 weed and 20 hash sorts, most of them changing as the seeds over the time.
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