Cool Running
Brusselsestraat 35, Maastricht |
DM from Belgium. Sent 23 Feb 2005.
If you want to chill and crash down, Cool Running is the place to be! Upstairs it's a rather average coffeeshop with a nice bar, kicker table and a computer with internet access. Downstairs is the chilling zone. Extremely comfortable seats, wide screen TV and chill music. They have a great offer in weed, but if you want some good stuff you have to spend more than 7€. The weed you get is certainly worth its price, but if you don't want to spend more than 6€ for some good weed there other places.
Jelle from Belgium. Sent 25 Aug 2004.
Coolrunning is the relaxest coffeeshop I know. I went there when I'm 17 and I was going there every day. When you come in you see a kicker table, you walk on you pass the bar (where you can borrow bongs), than you go downstairs and there is where all the fun begins. You see darkness, smoke, smoke and the dealer. You see a lot big sacs of weed, there is a list you won't find in a other shop, White Widow (9euro), Crystal Skunk (8euro), Suddendeath (7 euro), Cytral, Happy Brother, Misty, Snow Ball and the bad weed: Jamaica, indica jam. You have a lot of couches there where you can reeelllaaaaxxx, there's the greatest music, greatest girls, and the greatest high!
Romano from Belgium. Sent 5 Oct 2003.
This is an excellent place to get stoned, it's very expensive but buy the Primeur, it's only 5,9 euro and it's good. The other hashish (Hia, Gold, Nepal etc... ) are SUPER but they are damn expensive (8,5 to 12,5 euro). but it's a very nice place with good music and big couch to be comfortable and relax.
Mark from USA. Sent 7 Feb 2003.
A bigger shop with a dark decor, and in order to get to
the pulpit, you have to go downstairs, into a dungeon like atmosphere, with
all kinds of graffiti on the walls, I ordered crystal skunk, for 8 euro a
gram, a little high, but good smoke, what the heck this isn't Amsterdam, the
crystal was great, best in Maastricht. you can share bongs they have with
others, and there is plenty of room downstairs.
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