Club 88
Rijksweg Zuid 82a, Geleen |
DM from Belgium. Sent 23 Feb 2005.
Club 88 is my favourite coffeeshop when I just want to buy weed and go home. It's rather small and there aren't sofas to chill. You can only sit on the bar, or on 2 other tables with bar seats. The service is sometimes not good. A few years ago the dealer and bargirl were always friendly. When you stayed for a drink and they recognised your face they gave you a bit extra ;) But since the rebuilds there has been changed a lot. Other faces behind the bar, security persons near the door, pre-packed bags from 5€-10€-15€-20€ and so on. Sometimes you have to wait 5 minutes for your drink or weed because they're talking, the security guys keep asking my passport although I'm over 21 and the must recognise my face and when I come outside and look at my bag I sometimes have the feeling I've been ripped-off. The Pricelist is lots better than the service and comfort. The NLX is cheap and always good. Their Polm is perfect to smoke with the NLX. They fit both in the same price range. If you want to spend a bit more money I advise their Haze and Skuff. Conclusion: If you want to get quickly some good weed, Club 88 is the place to be. If you want to chill you won't like it.
Jelle from Belgium. Sent 22 Aug 2004.
The Club 88 has just been renovated, first it was a small coffeeshop with most of all the same people, there are many Belgians in there because it's not far from there, you can go there with your bike and you're there in just 30 minutes.
Now it is rebuilt inside, there is now a whole new color and it's very clean, but it's not the place what it was, it's not cosy anymore for me its just a comin-comout coffeeshop. The pricelist is good, they have some haze, special haze,
NLX is tasty, and there is enough choice of hashes.
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