Kerkstraat 8, Vlissingen |
Mad Dog Margetts from England. Sent 25 Nov 2005.
Small shop but friendly and cosy. The local stoners look like they've been there for several years without ever going home, which is a testimony to its accolade as a local shop for local people. Small choice but hey, I'm from England, and this is still paradise in comparison with the unreliable overpriced rubbish we get here unless you happen to be "in the know". I hate that arrogant quasi-mystical air which some English suppliers have, as if they've tapped into some exclusive delight only available to those specially chosen. The young guy at Aarden is matter of fact and straight forward. This is what we want. Excellent service all round.
Ash from Germany. Sent 10 May 2004.
It's very small and when 5 people enter the shop it seems to be overcrowded!
Epsilon from USA. Sent 8 Jan 2004.
So laid back, nice stuff, friendly, comfy.
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